Where life-long friendships begin & grow

Stephen Ministry

What Is Stephen Ministry?

History of Stephen Ministries

Links to Videos


1. What is Stephen Ministry?
   - Stephen Ministry is a group of volunteers trained to provide care by listening to individuals in need.

2. Where did the name Stephen Ministry come from?
   - This ministry is named after Saint Stephen, the first martyr.

3. Are Stephen Ministers trying to fix my problems?
   - No, Stephen Ministers are not problem solvers. Their primary role is to listen and provide support. While they may share their own experiences, their goal is not to fix issues but to offer empathetic understanding.

4. Is Stephen Ministry free?
   - Yes, the services provided by Stephen Ministers are offered free of charge.

5. Is Stephen Ministry confidential?
   - Yes, confidentiality is a key aspect of Stephen Ministry. Conversations between the care receiver and the Stephen Minister are kept private.

6. What is a Care Receiver?
   - A Care Receiver is an individual who is receiving support and care from a Stephen Minister.

7. What is a Care Giver?
   - In the context of Stephen Ministry, a Care Giver refers to the Stephen Minister who is providing care and support to a Care Receiver.

8. When to meet?
   - A Stephen Minister commits to meeting with the Care Receiver for one hour per week.

9. Where to meet?
   - The meeting location can be coordinated between the Care Receiver and the Care Giver. Face-to-face meetings in an open and comfortable atmosphere are encouraged.

10. How can I request a Stephen Minister or become one?
    - To request a Stephen Minister or inquire about becoming one, please contact the Stephen Minister Leaders at SEAS: Mary Shaw (417-830-7739) or Betty Kornblum (417-830-0077).

11. How can I be added to the internal list of city resources or plan a presentation for my organization?
    - For inquiries about adding resources or planning presentations, please contact the Stephen Minister Leaders at SEAS: Mary Shaw (417-830-7739) or Betty Kornblum (417-830-0077).

Stephen Ministry Training Meeting Schedule:
2nd & 4th Monday, 6:00PM-8:30PM, Rooms 4 & 5. (excepton May 13, Room 5 & Adult Ed Room)