Where life-long friendships begin & grow

PSR Info

Parish School of Religion (PSR)

Our Parish School of Religion (PSR) provides catechetical instruction to children and youth who attend public schools, so that young people can grow in intimacy with Jesus, be knowledgeable about their faith, and integrate the teachings of the Gospel into their lives.  Parish religion programs also prepare young people for the reception of first sacraments.  We offer programs to assist parents in the faith formation of their children.

2024-'25 PSR Registration Form & Media Release

2024-2025 program schedule runs from September 2024 through April 2025.

  • Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation
  • Confirmation Program typically begins in 7th grade; Confirmation is a 2-year program. Those who are older are welcome to join
  • Special Sacramental Preparation class for older children wanting to receive First Reconciliation & First Communion
  • Diocese approved curriculum for all grades.
  • Theology of the Body lessons for grades K-Confirmation
  • Seasonal events including:
    • Jesse Tree Family Advent
    • Stations of the Cross
    • Family Rosary and May Crowning
    • Option to train for Altar Serving
    • Confirmation Retreats
    • First Communion Workshop
    • Summer Vacation Bible School

Dates for Sacraments:

  • Confirmation: February
  • First Communion: April

Junior PSR:

  • 3-yr. old Pre-School during Sunday 9 am Mass
  • 4-yr. old Pre-School options: 9 am during 9 am Mass or Pre-K PSR Sunday 10:10-11:10 am

PSR Classes
Kindergarten - High School Confirmation class options of Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings. Choose which works best for your family schedule:

    • Sundays: 10:10-11:10 am
    • Wednesdays: 6:30-7:30 pm

First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
Second grade public school students prepare for First Reconciliation and First Communion in their weekly classes during regular PSR time. Catholic school students receive preparation at school and also attend certain classes together with public school students during the year. Parents attend special meetings and activities with their children. They also work with their children at home.

We offer a class that meets Wednesday evenings to prepare older students who have not yet celebrated the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, and Eucharist.

Pre-Confirmation/Confirmation Program
Sacramental preparation is provided for 7th-12 graders. Adult volunteers are needed to teach the classes and serve as sponsors.
     Confirmation One – Grade 7 or older students not enrolled in a Catholic school attend classes during regular PSR times on Wednesday evening or Sunday morning. Catholic school students also attend special sessions during their first year of Confirmation preparation.
     Confirmation Two – Grade 8 or older students (including those enrolled in a Catholic school) attend weekly classes on Sunday or Wednesday from September until Confirmation is celebrated.

Volunteer Opportunities
We are always welcoming new catechists, teaching aides, substitute catechists, and hall monitors. It’s a great opportunity to volunteer. And our Diocese offers free participation in the Catechetical Institute at Franciscan University to catechists.We look forward to your children being a part of our community, growing in their knowledge of Christ, and knowing how much He loves them! 

For more information, contact our Director of Religious Education, Denise Dumars at 417-887-6472, ext. 610 or ddumars@seaschurch.org

Available during the Sunday 9 and 11:15 am Masses in the SEAS School 4-yr old Preschool room *Children must be walking.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a ministry that helps little ones (K-2nd) during Mass to better understand God’s Word & Mass. Volunteers sometimes lead at the 4:30 pm Saturday Mass & Sunday 9 am and 11:15 am Masses. More volunteers are needed. Training is provided.

Altar Servers
Students in 4th grade or older who are interested in becoming altar servers may contact the Office of Religious Education for information.  Altar servers' training occurs in February.  

Adult Scripture Study:
Parents:  We provide study groups for adults during most PSR times. A study will begin in September, at the same time PSR begins. Please check the bulletin for information and to sign up.

Summer June 2025 Vacation Bible School: Plan now so your children won’t miss it!

SEAS PSR Curriculum Programs:

 3 & 4 yr. old Pre-School: RCL Benziger’s Stories of God’s Love

Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 4th & 5th grades: Pflaum Gospel Weeklies https://www.pflaumweeklies.com/

2nd Grade First Reconciliation & First Communion: Dynamic Catholic

6th Grade:  *Ruah Woods Theology of the Body

*Grades K-Confirmation will have 5 Theology of the Body lessons in their curriculum

Confirmation One (usually 7th Grade): Dynamic Catholic

Confirmation Two (8th-12th graders): Ascension Press

For more information, contact our Director of Religious Education, Denise Dumars at 417-887-6472, ext. 610 orddumars@seaschurch.org

St. Agnes Cathedral Special Needs Class

St. Agnes Cathedral in Springfield offers a special needs class as part of their Parish School of Religion program. This class, taught by a certified special needs teacher, meets Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM in St. Agnes School.
All children from all parishes are welcome! This flexible class uses a Catholic curriculum adapted for special education students. We also help students prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation.
Back to PSR Party!
Sunday, Aug 18th
12:30 PM
St. Agnes Dining Room
For more information or specific questions, please contact Iris at ibounds@sta-cathedral.org or call the parish office at 831-3565.