Prayer & Spiritual Enrichment
National Eucharistic Revival
Small Faith-Sharing Groups: Watch for announcements about opportunities for faith-sharing groups. Groups usually gather in the fall and again during Lent and for special diocesan programs.
Adult Study Groups: Adult Scripture Study, Sundays, in the Adult Ed Room.
Parents: We provide study groups for adults during most PSR times.
Please check the bulletin for information and to sign up or check here:
Adult Lenten Studies Forming!
Groups will discuss Bp. Barron’s Lenten Gospel Reflections starting February 18th. To join, contact Denise Dumars at 417.887.6472, ext. 610 or
Discipleship Quad
Consider the opportunity to become closer to our Lord and become a better disciple for Him through prayer and growing in faith together with a strong support group.
If you are interested in forming a Discipleship Quad, or just want to find out more about what this journey is all about – but don’t know anyone else who is interested-
please contact Denise Dumars, DRE, at 417.887.6472, ext. 610. We may be able to help you find others to be in a group.
Available during the Sunday 9 and 11:15 am Masses in the SEAS School 4-yr old Preschool room *Children must be walking.
Prayer Chain: Anyone who wishes to pray for those in need by receiving a call and passing it on. Contact the Parish Office, 887-6472
Eucharistic Adoration: The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for adoration every Monday from 4:00-8:00 pm in the Day Chapel. Sign-up is available in the Gathering Area each weekend.
Beginning Experience: A support group for divorced, widowed and seperated individuals. 8 week program, every Thursday, July 11, 2024-August 29, 2024.
Tuesdays, September 10, 2024-April 8, 2025, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, 7:00-9:00PM, Adult Education Room. *No meetings Dec 17, 2024-Jan 7, 2025.
You’re invited to take a spiritual journey through scripture where Jesus is “The Cornerstone.” Come deepen your faith through an increased knowledge of the inspired Word of God and transform your heart and mind.
For more info: contact Paula, 417-894-4678 or Mary Ellen, 417-849-1793
Visit online for more information:
Praise & Worship Prayer Group offers a great opportunity to come together in praise, fellowship and is a wonderful way to learn more about our faith. Group meets Thursdays at 6:30PM in the church/chapel and begin with rosary, next a time of praise, inspired teaching and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The first Thursday of the month we begin at 6pm and have the opportunity for a Revive Mass with Fr. Paco followed by a spirit-filled teaching. Please join us!
Contact Shelly Pichler at 417-838-2730 or Anne Detten at 303-915-0510 for more info.
Weigh and Pray
If you are struggling to lose weight, this might be the boost you need to get there.
Wednesday’s, 8:00 to 9:30AM, Room 4
Contact: Mary Helen Tippin, 417 848-4363
SEAS Supper Club
Groups of six or eight - couples or singles- come together to share potluck meals several times a year. Each couple or single would host the others once with everyone contributing to the meal. It is a great way to meet people of the parish, make new friends and just enjoy each other's company. If interested in become part of the group, please call Pam Smouse at 417-207-1248 or Corinne Martin at 417-838-3742.
Join groups on Flocknote.