Where life-long friendships begin & grow


…everything has its origin in God’s love, everything is shaped by it, everything is directed towards it. Love is God’s greatest gift to humanity, it is his promise and our hope.
“Caritas in Veritate” Pope Benedict XVI

Online Giving

Planned Giving

2024 Diocesan Development Fund: Learn More & Donate to DDF

We Believe Campaign
In celebration of our 42 years of growth and change, we've been blessed with God's love through shared ministry. Committed to living and celebrating Jesus Christ's presence, I'm excited to share our decision to launch the "We Believe" capital campaign. This initiative addresses the Parish Hall renovation and the addition of a building for ministry, aligning with our faith traditions.
Our vision is to enhance parish life, and we aim to raise a minimum of $4.5 million to build the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Pavilion, supporting the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry, parish events, and school activities. This campaign also includes plans for Parish Hall renovation, updating classrooms, bathrooms, and the SEAS Café, outlined in the case statement.
Your support is crucial for the future of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish. I invite you to prayerfully consider a sacrificial pledge over the next five year. Your generosity will inspire others in our parish to contribute to this meaningful project.
Let us unite in prayer, seeking the blessings and guidance of the Lord Jesus Christ for the work of our hands.

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us.

Sincerely in the Lord,

Reverend Thomas P. Kiefer


Make a Pledge: Flocknote. 

Stock Transfers
Please call Springfield-Cape Girardeau Diocesan Finance Office at 417-866-0841 for instructions.

Matching Gift Information
Your employer may provide a matching gift. Donors employed by businesses that match their employees' charitable gifts are encouraged to inquire as to their company's guidelines regarding matching gifts and , if appropriate, secure, and complete any necessary forms. Thank you!

Feel free to share our plans and communicate your involvement. Help spread the word about the We Believe capital campaign to your family and friends. Everyone is invited, and anyone may be willing to participate.

For questions contact the SEAS Parish Office: 417-887-6472 or parishinfo@seaschurch.org.