St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church PSR
PSR Info | Vacation Bible School | Safe Environment | Confirmation | National Eucharistic Revival
SEAS PSR Updates:
SEAS PSR Registration is Now Open!
2024-2025 PSR registration forms are now available online with a fresh new look!
You can also visit the PSR Office to pick up a registration form in person.
There's still time to secure your spot!
Classes begin Sunday, September 15 and Wednesdays, September 18.
For the 2024-25 year! We have several openings for catechists, assistant catechists, and hall monitors starting this September. You don't need a theology degree—just a love for Christ, His Church, and the children. PSR meets on Sunday mornings (10:10-11:10) and Wednesday evenings (6:30-7:30). If either of these times works for you, please consider joining this rewarding ministry.
All candidates for Confirmation in February 2025 (PSR, Catholic School, or home-school) are required to attend one of the following meetings with a parent:
Wednesday, September 4th
6:30-7:30 PM
Sunday, September 8th
10:10-11:10 AM
Location: Adult Education Room
For more information, please contact Denise Dumars at 417.887.6472, ext. 610, or
Looking Ahead . . .
ADULT FAITH STUDY: Join us for a 9-week study and discussion of He Leadeth Me by Fr. Walter J. Ciszek, S.J., starting Sunday, September 15th, from 10:10-11:10 AM. This inspiring story of faith in a Russian gulag challenges us to trust God deeply.
You can purchase the book for $11 through the church or get your own copy. Order by August 25th. Sign-up in the Gathering Area later this month.
Contact Denise Dumars for more info: 417.887.6472, ext. 610 |
PSR Parish Council Report June 2024
Vacation Bible School training is this Thursday evening, June 13, from 6-8 pm. The Knights of Columbus are grilling hamburgers and hotdogs for us, and Rita’s Italian Ice is donating the desserts for about 130 volunteers (up from 100 last year!). VBS begins Tuesday, June 18 (6-8:30 pm). Last year we had about 115 participants. This year we have 170 registered! We are so excited! VBS will run for 5 days, ending with Saturday, June 22 (beginning at 3 pm), celebrating Mass at 4:30 pm, and ending with the Parish Picnic, beginning at 5:30 pm.
We will need some new catechists for the 2024-’25 year of PSR. We will have registration for PSR/Confirmation beginning in late July/early August.
Our Confirmation date is set: Saturday, February 22. 2025. Our Confirmation retreats will be held in November rather than December. And we have some curriculum changes going on for Confirmation. Beginning this fall, Confirmation One will use the Chosen program (lessons 1-12) from Ascension Press. Confirmation Two will continue to use Chosen, and rather than only get a select 12 lessons, they will complete the series (lessons 13-24). Also, our school will be using this program in 7th and 8th grade in alignment with the PSR Confirmation program. So, beginning this fall, the 8th grade SEAS students will not have to attend the PSR weekly sessions but only the special sessions. I have reached out to Sr. Cecilia Ann and presented this in hopes that ALL the area Catholic schools will adopt this curriculum (like we are all on the same curriculum for First Reconciliation and First Communion prep). This way, our parishioners who attend other Catholic schools will also be exempt from attending PSR weekly. The classroom programs are not currently Confirmation sacramental prep. I am anticipating many happy school parents here at SEAS…!
I will be sending out a postcard again to SEAS families with junior high aged children not registered in PSR nor a Catholic school to encourage them to enroll in Confirmation sacramental prep. There are MANY of those families, including ones registered with school-aged children never enrolled in PSR nor in a Catholic school. They will get a postcard this summer as well (separate mailing).
We continue to need parishioners to lead the Children’s Liturgy of the Word. If many people are willing to step up once every 6 weeks, it would be wonderful for these small children. We really need to engage children in the Mass and teach them how precious our Catholic faith is. Training is available, and the lessons are clearly planned and easy to present. Children LOVE it.
Adult Study: Dianna Schuman suggested a fall study on a book called He Leadeth Me and is willing to facilitate. I was also mulling over Scott Hahn’s The Lamb’s Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth. I will research more of this later in the summer. Any other suggestions as well as facilitators are welcome!
Idea Changes for PSR: I would like to add a new family event (and all the parish would be welcome!) this fall: a “Saint Fest” to encourage a celebration of the saints in conjunction with the festivities of Halloween. More to come on that!
Christ’s Peace,
Denise Dumars, DRE