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On June 5, 1981, Bishop Bernard F. Law established St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, selecting her as patroness with the hope of eventually establishing a Catholic school for the rapidly growing southern Springfield community. The parish initially consisted of 200 households from St. Agnes and Immaculate Conception parishes.

Early Years:
- Saturday evening Mass was celebrated in the Carmelite chapel of St. Anne.
- Sunday liturgies took place at Skateland on South Campbell Avenue.
- Daily Mass was celebrated in the rectory chapel on West Swan Avenue.

Multipurpose Building:
- In the fall of 1982, Fr. Michael McDevitt was appointed pastor.
- A multipurpose building was constructed and dedicated in December 1982, serving the parish for nine years.

New Church Dedication:
- A new church was completed and dedicated on December 1, 1991.
- Fr. Fergus Monaghan became the pastor in August 1993.

Expansion and Dedication:
- A significant expansion was dedicated on March 28, 2003, featuring additional worship space, classrooms, kitchen, dining room, offices, a prayer garden, and a labyrinth.

Growth and Achievements:
- The parish, initially small, grew into the largest in the diocese over 30 years.
- Under Msgr. Thomas E. Reidy's leadership (pastor since August 2004), SEAS Elementary School opened in 2005.
- In 2011/2012, additions were made to the school, PSR classrooms, Adult Ed Room, and O'Reilly Youth Center.
- In 2020, the chapel, roof, church maintenance/updates, and rectory renovation were completed.

Recent Leadership Transition:
- Msgr. Thomas E. Reidy served as pastor for 17 years, encouraging the growth of ministries and activities.
- In June 2021, Father Thomas P. Kiefer became the new pastor, and Msgr. Reidy became the full-time pastor of Immaculate Conception in Springfield.
- Father Kiefer previously served as pastor of Immaculate Conception Church in Springfield and is also the Judicial Vicar of the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau.

Tour & History of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish